For our genre of UK Grime we have to be very specific about who our target audience would be, there are many things that we would have to look out for and know what we are looking for. For instance costume is a very important part, stereo typically we would expect our typical target to wear; Jeans, trainers, a leather jacket and some sunglasses. This is a very stereotypical Grime outfit.
This outfit is very famous among several Grime artists over the world, 2 very familiar artists being Tinie Tempah and Example. These two reguarly wear these types of clothes and rarely change from this. However the difference between an English rapper and American rapper is farrly obvious. For example English fans would expect to See Tinie Tempah and Example in skinny leg jeans, whereas an American rapper like Jay Z or Eminem would wear normal length jeans because it is more stereotypical to regular grime as oppose to UK Grime.

However with the song we have chosen (Example - Millionaires) we will have to choose wisely, whilst Tinie Tempah and Example wear very similar clothes they are also very different, Tinie will wear skinny jeans and a leather jacket with very neutral colours, such as; Grey, black and white. Whereas Example would wear more bright colours such as green, yellow or blue because this suits the style of his music as energetic and lively.
So when we think of our typical audience we will have to have a very broad understanding of what grime fans want to see and target them in the best way possible when it comes to costuming.
Once we have decided our main costume idea we will have to think of things such as posters and advertisements in order to sell our band to the public. At the moment our band does not have a name so our posters are not complete. Our temporary name is 'The Nathans' once we have confirmed a group name we will begin to work on posters, we will take ideas from artists such as Jason Derulo because as a group we feel that his poster is a very succesful one and one that would appeal to us as a group.
Then we will have to think about where we would like to film our music video, we have had a few ideas and one that has stood out the most is one that we plan on going to Brighton and filming along the pier and on the sea front. Our song has an 'emotional' side to it and it is about a girlfriend and boyfriend. So we feel that shots along the beach would be good for our video.

Some relevant discussion of mise en scene here, Did you also consider what the camera will be doing? You discuss and relate back to genre which is very important. JIN