
Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Evaluation 3

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

The combination of my main product and my ancillary task is very important, I tried to wear the same clothes for the pictures that would be taken for the ancillary task and for what I would be wearing in the music video. This is so that my artist would then have a particular style and people would recognise that this is his 'style' or his 'swagger'. This is a continuous theme throughout alot of Grime artists, we tend to see alot of sunglasses, leather jackets and jeans. Howver 'MC Cabe' is different to this. As a group we decided that he would wear alot of 'Ralph Lauren' (Polo top and wooly hat) was regularly seen and another brand named Duffer. (Jumper, body warmer and tracksuit bottoms often seen also)

This was the same for the ancilarry task, for our front cover on the digi-pack 'MC Cabe' is wearing the Duffer jumper that was seen in many shots of the music video and in another image he has the same jumper on aswell as the 'Ralph Lauren' wooly hat that i mentioned before because we wanted to keep a consistent theme going throughout the whole production.

We feel that this worked very well because we had alot of comments from other groups and from out audience about 'MC Cabe' wearing the same clothes and they mentioned him to have 'Swagger' which ultimately was what we were after when it came to his costume we wanted people to be talking about his clothes and we succeded in doing this so we feel that this was a very succesful area of our work.

We also tried to keep the location types similar, this is why the photos that we chose for the digipack and posters that we created were taken in the music studio where we filmed alot of our music video. This was deifinitely succesful and something that we thought about carefully because if we had completely different locations in the digipack and the music video this could cause confusion for the audience.

1 comment:

  1. You really concentrate on costume here- this is important but is only 1 aspect of mise en scene.There is a lot else you could discuss and add to this post to make it more interesting and visual! JIN
